Sponsor File Registration (UAE citizen/GCC citizen)

Sponsor File Registration (UAE citizen/GCC citizen)

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This service allows to open a sponsor file to sponsor domestic helpers
UAE National
1. Original family book or electronic copy
2. Original passport
3. Original identity card

GCC citizen
1. Original passport
2. Original identity card
3.Copy of the family card/family book
Amer Service Center:
1. Visit the nearest Customer Happiness Center.
2. Get the automated turn ticket and wait.
3. Submitting the application that fulfils all conditions and documents (if any) to the customer service employee.
4. Pay the service fee (if any).
Fee for opening a file: AED100
In addition to the value added tax (5%).

Extra charge:
Knowledge Dirham: AED10
Innovation Dirham: AED10
UAE Citizen
1. UAE citizen must be married
2. In case the UAE citizen holds a family book issued from another emirate, it is required that the workplace and residence is in the Emirate of Dubai
3. In case the citizen holds a family book issued from another emirate, it is required to provide a letter from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship that s/he does not have a sponsorship file in the other emirate
4. If the citizen works in the armed forces and wants to sponsor a foreign wife, a certificate of no objection from the employer (armed forces) is required and the marriage contract shall be duly certified

GCC national
1. If the sponsor is a GCC citizen, a copy of the wife’s residency visa from the sponsor’s original country is required
2. In case the wife is a GCC citizen
3. Workplace and residence must be in the Emirate of Dubai
Amer Service Centre:
The service is available during the normal operating hours of AMER Centers
48.0 Hour(s)

Service details last updated on: 23/05/2023

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